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CAP Project

Section 1: What career do you want to pursue and WHY?

What career do you want to pursue? I currently think I want to pursue physical therapy.

Daily description: 

As a physical therapist working in outpatient services, first you are notified of patients being referred to a PT by the owner of the company.Following, I will contact the patient or their family member directly to set up a time and date to do their PT evaluation.An evaluation of this matter usually takes anywhere from 1hr-1 ½ hrs (or possibly less depending on the situation).Patients that are provided for, do live in several counties.In these cases when I am driving more than 10 miles, I am to keep track and get reimbursed for milage for cases that meet this criteria.(Currently the person I was in contact with, is only doing PT evaluations.This also includes, but not limited to, taking/updating progress notes, recertification notes, and discharges.In her case, she has two PTAs that see the patients she evaluates so she works closely with them to keep up on the patient status and progress.)


In home therapy, there are some after-hours work because its all on the computer and you usually do not have access to Wi-Fi in patients homes. So you take notes and enter the info later into HER.


Hospital setting:

Consists of more of a set schedule where you would arrive by 8-9AM, look on a big whiteboard in the main office for what floor in the hospital you are assigned to work at, get your list of patients to see from the PT manager, gather laptop, rolling walker, gait belt, and any other tools that may be needed for the shift before heading to the floor and start seeing patients.You first will talk with the nurse to make sure the patient hasn’t had any recent changes in status, review the chart, make sure the Physician orders are in the chart, look for any precautions or restrictions in movement, activity, or positions.Then try to see the patient.All PTs would take their break at 12PM and then meet as a group (including all PTs, Ots, Speech therapists, and all aides and assistants) before 1PM to go over any big issues with a patient that other therapists may be seeing, and make a plan for the afternoon to make sure all patients who have to have PT in the hospital are seen that day.


When working as a full-time PT in the hospital settings, the hours are usually 7:30AM-4:30/5PM.Throughout the day I will be rotating through different areas of the hospital, ie neuro rehab floor (strokes, head injuries), orthopedic floor (total hips, knees, back or neck surgeries), wound care (PTs do this at some hospitals, but not all anymore), general inpatient (adult medical – surgical) seeing patients that are just in need of PT that are in the hospital for various reasons, and ICU (intensive care unit).Every morning there is usually about a ½ hour meeting to figure out new orders, assign patients to therapists, discuss care with doctors, nurses, social workers, pharmacists, and radiology.


In hospital settings I get to do the patient notes as soon as you see them so there is no work to take home.But there are rotated shifts for weekend work and holidays because patients still need to be seen.


For both the Senior Outpatient services and the Beacon Granger Hospital setting, they are PRN (as needed) type basis.They also do not have frequent meetings with the whole group of physical therapists (maybe every 4-6 months, if at all).Although it is not scheduled meetings through the department, you are still in contact with other therapists, Ots, and PTAs, very frequently or message for the patients they share.Outside of the job there is also plenty of research being done on certain conditions or issues when needed, collaborating with other therapists via text (this is very frequent), and continuing medical education every year to maintain your license.

Why is it your career choice? Growing up I had always known I wanted to do something in the medical field but this was the first time I actually felt passion for something a little more specific. My interest in Physical Therapy really locked in during my senior year of high school when I got accepted into the Career Center Sports Medicine program where I had a great teacher and mentor who helped me explore my interests in occupations in this field and helped me take a step into shadowing for a few weeks at a physical therapy clinic.  

Section 2: Future Budget and Expenses

Where do you want to live when you start your career? Elkhart, Indiana

Budget sheet:


Based on your desired lifestyle, how much does it cost to live there monthly?  $2,867.06 including reg taxes, and all utilities.


What was your total MONTHLY GROSS INCOME? $5,577.92



What were your total MONTHLY EXPENSES/DEBTS? $4,448.93



Is your total MONTHLY GROSS PAY greater than your TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSES? No



If your expenses are more than your income, what specific steps could you take to correct this? N/A

Section 3:  What is required?

What Degrees/Major is required or preferred for your career choice? Exercise Science Pre-PT, Fitness Management and Personal Training, etc.  You must first earn a bachelor's degree, then a doctor of physical therapy degree from a commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education-accredited physical therapist education program, and pass a state licensure exam.


What Graduate Degrees, if any, are required? a doctor of physical therapy degree


What SPECIFIC undergraduate course prerequisites (List the specific Courses) are required, if any, to qualify for graduate school or the school you apply for after graduation if it applies? CHEM-C 105, CHEM C-125, CHEM C-106, CHEM-C 126, PHYS-P 201 or PHYS-P 221, PHYS-P 202 or PHYS-P 222, PHSL-P 261, PHSL-P 262, PSY-P 103, PSY-P 216.  One of the following: BIOL-L 220, MATH-K 310, MATH-M 261, PSY-P 354, and at least 6 additional credit hours in humanities or social sciences course work.

How many shadowing/observation hours are required prior to graduation for your career choice? 45-50 hours is a common requirement across the board


What is the official process to record/document the hours?

You need to log into PTCAS (Physical Therapist Centralized Application Services) and click “supporting information” before clicking “observation hours” .  You need to keep track of the facility name and address, start / end time, paid/volunteered, hours completed and the setting, patient diagnoses/patients observed, and keep the physical therapists full name and license number that you worked under.


How much money will your undergraduate and graduate degree(s) cost in tuition and other related expenses?  $57,361.29 including room and board for freshman year and accounting for the summer required course.


How will you pay for it? (Financial aid, scholarships, parents, savings, etc.) I will be paying it with scholarships, and financial aid, and splitting the cost between my parents and I.


What Minor could be helpful in your future career? There is no minor that is heavily advised that could help you in the future, but I think a minor in psychology could be helpful for the relationship and understanding between you and your patients.


What Licensure, if any, is required for your future career? It is required to pass a state licensure test to begin your practice.


What certifications or certificates could be helpful in your future career? It is recommended if you want to further succeed you could acquire these certificates: Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist (COMT) Certification, Advanced Manual Therapist (ACOMT) Certification, Dry Needling (DN) Certification, Pelvic Health (PH) Certification, Orthopedic Proficiency (OPC) Certification, and Vestibular (Cert. VT) Certification.

What professional organizations (Not Student Organizations) would be beneficial to join for your future career? The biggest professional organization to join in this career is the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA).

 What are the specific names of some of the professional, peer-reviewed journals (not the name of the article or organization but the name of the journal itself) that would be beneficial for your career choice?

Physical Therapy Treatment of Pelvic Pain

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Effectiveness of Physical Therapy and Electrophysical Modalities. An Updated Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, and neuromotor fitness in apparently healthy adults: guidance for prescribing exercise

Chronicling Research and Practice Evolution in Pediatric Physical Therapy

Physical therapy approaches to reduce fall and fracture risk among older adults

Describe at least 3 specific ways you plan on networking?

I feel the most beneficial ways of networking that will help me in my future career would be to set and know my goals, use connections in or out of the area to expand my knowledge and create more professional relationships, and step out of my comfort zone (say “yes” to more things) and put myself out there.


What specific personal, academic, and professional mentor(s) would be beneficial for guidance?  Personal mentor: Kristopher Brady (My Career Center Teacher ), Academic mentor: Nora Foltz, Professional Mentor: Lissa Eshowsky.


Why? For my personal mentor I would choose Kristopher Brady, my old career center teacher.  I confided in him as a mentor during my senior year when deciding on my college, major, and end goal.  I still email him often with questions and recommendations (including for this project) for any of my interests. 

I would consider my academic mentor to be Nora Foltz (structural kinesiology bepko mentor).  She has played a large role in helping to advise me/ share her experiences when taking courses that I am currently in. 

Lastly, my professional mentor would be Lissa Eshowsky.  She is a current practicing physical therapist and friend of my mother who was so willing to help guide me into this field.  She was also a former student from IUPUI so it is very familiar to her of what it is like to be here and has given me recommendations on where to take some first steps on my career path.


What specific barriers could keep you from your attaining your career choice?  Some barriers I see that could stray me from my career is money issues, getting burnt out, and wanting to focus on having a family.


How can you specifically overcome these barriers?  I can work hard in other aspects of my life to earn the money needed to pursue this career, and also create a healthy balance of work to life so I do not get burnt out.


Explain in detail, what specific options you could pursue to gain experience while you are pursuing your degree?  There are plenty of opportunities to gain experience if you are willing to step up and look for them.  I personally have already shadowed at a clinic for a few weeks. Another good option is getting an internship at an establishment so you can gain hands on experience.  Gaining employability can also be a great way to learn more by being surrounded by the staff and having access to ask questions and learning the rules and techniques around the place.


What specific volunteer opportunities (different from shadowing/observation) may help separate you from your peers for your future career?

Volunteer at a rehab hospital, rehab clinic, skilled nursing facility.

Within the hospital setting volunteer in pediatrics, adult med-surg, adult inpatient rehab (neurological diagnoses), burn care unit.Outpatient orthopedics, pool therapy, peds.Inpatient rehab centers like assisted living facilities, nursing homes, inpatient neuo rehab.Lastly volunteer in home care.

Section 4:  Personal Reflection/ Career Preparation

What are your strengths? Time management, dependability, efficiency, willingness to take on challenges

What are your weaknesses? Procrastination, motivation, shyness

What specific skills do you have that will help with your career choice? I will never leave a task unfinished or finished poorly if I am the one working on it, I have great communication skills, time management, customer service, problem solving and teamwork.

How do you organize your work tasks each day? I make a to do list and cross them off as I go.  I also work on them from most important to least to not fall behind on my obligations.

How do you handle stress and pressure? I assess the situation, take a step back, breathe and then return once I am settled

Why should we hire you?  I should be hired for this position for my passion for the industry, and work ethic to solve any problem.  I have looked into the company and feel with my positive mindset, long term goals, and commitment, I could be a valuable asset to this company.

Where do you see yourself in five years? I see myself graduated, and hopefully I’ve made a set decision on if I am going to find a job or am continuing schooling right after college.

How much compensation (Pay/Salary/Benefits, etc.) do you require? Enough to live off of in a non stressful way but still in need to work to supply, with everything constantly going up in price I cannot put an accurate price on this lifestyle.  I would hope to get good health benefits for my family and I.

What do you like about this profession, employer, or company? (Ex: Physical Therapy, St. Vincent Sports Performance, NIFS, etc.)  I am intrigued by National Institute for Fitness and Sport (NIFS) because of their well rounded staff that provide exceptional service.  At NIFS, they work hard to provide individual services unique to each client to expand their skills and give the best care to their patients. I would like to be associated with NIFS because of their hard working and welcoming impression on the community.

How would critical thinking be applied in this career?  I feel critical thinking plays a large role in the physical therapy career due to its everyday challenges.  You would need to use critical thinking when having to adapt to each and every patient needs for recovery and to learn how to treat support a client and their diagnoses when you may be unfamiliar with their condition.

Give a specific example of your past critical thinking skills. 

Recently, I have needed to use my critical thinking skills to help my roommate with her health “crisis”.She was experiencing VERY elevated blood pressure that was causing her to become lightheaded and experience swelling in her hands and feet.We first found the nearest sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff) on campus because all health services offered on campus were closed.  After getting the confirmation that it was her spiked blood pressure leading to these issues, I called my family members in the area to find recommendations on where we could go at this time of day to be seen.  First, I took her to the nearest IU Health downtown to try and get an appointment/ be seen as a walk-in patient.  In this instance they turned her away and told her the next closes place to be seen would be the IU Health center in Greenwood.  We decided to call ahead of time to make sure they would be able to help us with our issue and they told us we would be better off going to the ER.  I then looked up the nearest ER, which happened to be Riley’s Childrens Hospital.  Although she is now 19 years old I knew their cut-off age wasn’t 18 so we decided to give it a try.  We ran through any possible scenario for this to abruptly happen and we were inclusive.  Luckly we were able to get in and seen without any trouble and in a timely manner where she was then observed, tested, and discharged.  Lastly, we have all used this experience to watch what we eat and hold each other accountable to do things that are good for our bodies.

If you were an employer interviewing yourself, name three reasons why you might not hire yourself? I am young, semi unexperienced, and sometimes too shy and don’t put myself out there to show my full potential.


How can you specifically change/overcome these three reasons? I can continue working in customer service where I am testing my confidence in talking to new people and I can get internships/shadowing experience.


What is the name of a specific Business, Corporation, or Individual that offers a career position you are seeking? ATI Physical Therapy.


Provide a detailed profile/description of the Business, Corporation, or individual you listed in question 22.  ATI (Athletic Therapeutic Institute) Physical Therapy is known for providing outpatient care.  In the facility, they practice outpatient rehabilitation and adjacent health care services in the US.  Your days are strongly based around patient care, including the assessment, treatment plan, supervising, and working together until the finish product is met.


When is the last time you met with your academic advisor?  N/A

Why haven’t you met with your academic advisor? 

I currently have an appointment lined up in the next month. I have not been in need of an appointment previously as he and I have communicated very well through email so far.








  • “Blood Pressure Check: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia Image.”,





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